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The bodily experience through images. World perception, production of meaning and subjectivity

La experiencia de la corporalidad en imágenes. Percepción del mundo, producción de sentidos y subjetividad


How to Cite
D’Angelo, A. (2010). The bodily experience through images. World perception, production of meaning and subjectivity. Tabula Rasa, 13, 235-251.

Ana D’Angelo

    This paper views body as a receptor and producer of cultural meanings from the anthropological and sociological perspectives. It intends to reflect on the effect of media images on corporeality in contemporary societies. The double dimension is moved, as far as we are concerned here, to the body represented and the body perceiving its own image, mirrored on other bodies. As per the extent of this work, I will consider the ways how subjects’ relationship to corporeality is settled from and through body image: a) the body as the location of the world’s perceptive experience; b) the body as the place where meanings other bodies’ images are produced; and c) the individual face to his/her own body’s images.

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