The biocentric path: intrinsic values, rights of nature and ecological justice
La senda biocéntrica: valores intrínsecos, derechos de la naturaleza y justicia ecológica
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This article reviews the main conceptual perspectives and social and political practices that defend Nature as a subject of rights, in contrast to the conventional positions that understand it only as an object of valuation by human beings. The contributions on intrinsic values in the environment, their expression in biocentric positions and the contrasts with the anthropocentrism characteristic of Modernity are analyzed. Their specific expressions in Latin America are considered, especially in the new Constitution of Ecuador. Next, two perspectives in justice are distinguished: an environmental one, which is based on human rights to a healthy environment and a better quality of life, and an ecological one for the rights that correspond to Nature. Their implications are reviewed in different redefinitions of a community of justice extended to non-human living beings. It is noted that these are different trials in breaking the fence of the anthropocentrism characteristic of Modernity.
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