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Temporal structure in Social Work intervention. An approach to Alfred Schütz’ phenomenology

La estructura temporal de la intervención en el trabajo social. Un enfoque desde la fenomenología de Alfred Schutz


How to Cite
Rodríguez, R. (2011). Temporal structure in Social Work intervention. An approach to Alfred Schütz’ phenomenology. Tabula Rasa, 14, 311-322.

Ramiro Rodríguez

    This paper addresses intervention in Social Work, placing it between an action that is built in temporal stages, whose duration is entirely placed in the stream of consciousness within the participating individuals. In this sense, intervention would have a genesis in what Alfred Schütz calls an immanent temporal object, by virtue of a continuum of protentions and retentions, informing the past and future of the action. But on the other hand, intervention would be the result of processes of coexistence and simultaneity of two consciousnesses, beginning with the face-to-face situation between the social worker and the other, and the we-relationship.

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