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Modern another way. Caribbean lessons from the savage’s place

Moderno de otro modo. Lecciones caribeñas desde el lugar del salvaje


How to Cite
Rolph Trouillot, M. (2011). Modern another way. Caribbean lessons from the savage’s place. Tabula Rasa, 14, 79-97.

Michel Rolph Trouillot

    «Modernity» is a cloudy term belonging to a familiy of words we might label as «NorthAthlantic universals». These are particulars that have reached a universal degree; they are pieces of human history being turned into historical standards. This paper sustains that in its mainstream display, as a North-Atlantic universal, modernity disguises and disavows the many Others it creates. Thus, it is examined how, in the Caribbean perspective, modernity never was, never might it be, what it says it is.

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