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In this section of Palestra we publish a series of texts that address two debates about the relationship between knowledge and politics. The first refers to the politics of truth and the epistemic difference in the face of the great problems of the contemporary world. The debate begins with what Pablo de Stefanoni in his two short and incisive texts calls pachamamism. Referring to the situation in Bolivia, Stefanoni questions the scope of an alleged "global indigenous new discourse" that is held by intellectuals in certain American academic centers or in Latin America, but that seems to be unaware of not a few of the really existing indigenous as well as certain urgencies of the country. Stefanoni's short articles ask about the policies of the representation of the speeches enunciated in the name of Indianity as ancestrality and difference with the West (pachamamism), as well as their relevance to face nodal problems such as environmental or their anachronism to understand certain political mobilizations of the colonial and more recent past. For Stefanoni, pachamamism is not synonymous with indigenous, since "[...] there are non-indigenous pachamámicos and non-pachamámicos indigenous - possibly the majority- [...]".
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