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On desires, interventions and trajectories: anthropology and cultural studies in Colombia

Sobre deseos, intervenciones y trayectorias: la antropología y los estudios culturales en Colombia


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Ricardo Aparicio, J. (2011). On desires, interventions and trajectories: anthropology and cultural studies in Colombia. Tabula Rasa, 15, 13-31.

Juan Ricardo Aparicio

    In this paper, I will give a look to the relationship between anthropology and cultural studies through a common research platform on the relationship between culture and power. Thus, far from following the stereotypes under which anthropology and cultural studies are called in Colombia, this paper follows several interventions of a style of intellectual work devoted to politicizing politics and theorizing politics. I will point to some of the anthropological thinking trends in Colombia, which are specifically characterized by their complex and transdisciplinary analysis of conjunctures and social formations. Far from staying in orthodox and cloistered definitions of cultural studies and anthropology, I am interested specifically in understanding how both have been positioned and reconfigured in accordance with problems and local conjunctures through emerging and strategical methodologies.

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