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Review. Tribute times / decolonial times: Frantz Fanon

Reseña. Tiempos de homenajes/tiempos descoloniales: Frantz Fanon


How to Cite
Catelli, L. (2012). Review. Tribute times / decolonial times: Frantz Fanon. Tabula Rasa, 16, 297-304.

Laura Catelli

    The author who received in 2005 the "Frantz Fanon Prize for Outstanding Book in Caribbean thought" of the Carribean Philosophical Association for his book Frantz Fanon, Politics and Poetics of the postcolonial subject, has compiled on this occasion a set of essays commemorating the fifties years of the death of the author martiniqués. Times of tributes / decolonial times: Frantz Fanon, from the series of Editions of the Sign The detachment of decolonial thinking, proposes to resume the paths of critical thinking that Fanon (1922-1961) left open and to which the prologue of Walter Mignolo and the essays Alejandro de Oto, María Eugenia Borsani, María Marta Quintana, Zulma Palermo and Ines Fernández Mouján pay homage, passing them over and showing their frequent intersections with some key places of Latin American critical thinking.

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