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Resisting in the Land of Panoptism —A Sketch Around the Issue of Power Relations and Resistances from a Foucauldian Approach

Resistir en la tierra del panoptismo. Esbozo en torno al problema de las relaciones de poder y las resistencias desde una perspectiva foucaultiana


How to Cite
G. Giavedoni, J. (2012). Resisting in the Land of Panoptism —A Sketch Around the Issue of Power Relations and Resistances from a Foucauldian Approach. Tabula Rasa, 16.

José G. Giavedoni

    This paper intends to provide a few lines of analysis on the problem of resistances from a Foucauldian approach. In these terms, there is power since we are free individuals; therefore, we are compelled to provide a greater theoretical depth to the issue of freedom practices and resistances within the set of power relations. Since there is no place of power rejections, resistances enable manifold processes that come into a play of subjection-desubjectivation-resubjectivation.

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