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Foucault ,liberalism and criticism to political philosophy

Foucault, el liberalismo y la crítica de la filosofía política


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Domínguez Sánchez, M. (2012). Foucault ,liberalism and criticism to political philosophy. Tabula Rasa, 16, 187-212.

Mario Domínguez Sánchez

    In avoiding modern and contemporary political philosophy’s dicomotized abstractions, Michel Foucault has not intended to rebuild a transcendental, rational and normative whole, or rationally legitimate values, but to study the practices themselves in a given society, and the changes they generate. Stressing the individual’s self-shaping practices displays in front of us a whole dynamic view of subject and freedom, which make up an inverse face of «docile bodies», or those of the subject emerged from the grid power/ knowledge. Foucault’s genealogy may be broadened to demonstrate liberalism is a set of practices for subject constitution. It is a liberalism, which —after creating the police program to produce person categories—, is able to provide the conditions necessary for the game of freedom and to regulate behavior in terms of corporativity.

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