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Implosions: borderline corporalities as practices of freedom, or how to dilute a true regime and produce another one in your own body without dying in the attempt

Implosiones: corporalidades fronterizas como prácticas de libertad o cómo diluir un régimen de verdad y producir otro en el propio cuerpo, sin morir en el intento


How to Cite
Cajigas-Rotundo, J. C. (2012). Implosions: borderline corporalities as practices of freedom, or how to dilute a true regime and produce another one in your own body without dying in the attempt. Tabula Rasa, 16, 121-138.

Juan Camilo Cajigas-Rotundo

    This paper presents on one hand a dense description of capoeira angola technique, intending to show the effects its practice generates in the construction of corporality and thereby in the lived world, and on the other hand, it presents a series of reflections aiming to open the possibility to broaden Foucault’s notion of ‘practices of freedom’, starting from a decolonial micropolitical approach, which refers to the embodied agenciality that can be observed in this sort of spiritual wisdom, so present and living all over Latin America.

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