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Live well, between utopia and reality

Vivir bien, entre utopía y realidad


How to Cite
Artaraz, K., & Calestani, M. (2013). Live well, between utopia and reality. Tabula Rasa, 18, 105-123.

Kepa Artaraz
    Melania Calestani

      The dominant paradigms of well-being continue to insist on what this term means. In the same way, public policy makers (policy makers) strive to realize the dominant visions of well-being. This article examines the notion of well-being recently adopted by the Bolivian constitution. Great importance is given to the indigenous notions of "living well", a concept that could be translated as "living well in groups" under the principles of sociability and the promotion of reciprocity values. Adopted by Bolivians in its 2009 Constitution as one of the fundamental values, the article explores the contribution it can make to the notions of well-being. argues that "living well" constitutes progress in our notions of well-being because of the concept's emphasis on harmonic relationships, not only in society, but also with nature (the pachamama - our Mother Earth -), providing a link with the sustainability that current conceptions of well-being often do not achieve.

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