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Review. Frantz Fanon from Latin America. Contemporary readings of a thinker of the twentieth century

Reseña. Frantz Fanon desde América Latina. Lecturas contemporáneas de un pensador del siglo XX


How to Cite
Cedriani, J. P. P. (2014). Review. Frantz Fanon from Latin America. Contemporary readings of a thinker of the twentieth century. Tabula Rasa, 20, 391-395.

Juan P Pablo Cedriani

    An image that illustrates the production of Frantz Fanon can be that of a man who, sailing in a boat, tries to prevent continuous perforations in the hull giving way to the water and consequently to the catastrophe. Fanon would be the one who, in this case with his writings, detects, diagnoses and proposes alternatives to these infiltrations of the colonial impulse, to avoid the sinking of the man of color in the depths of the sea of ​​the most radical alienation. Frantz Fanon from Latin America. Contemporary readings of a thinker of the twentieth century presents a compilation of ten articles with which we go through the author's written production, its social, historical context and even the receptions and repercussions that his work has subsequently had. A remarkable feature of this book (and is one of the most important, in addition), is the locus from which the authors are located; as in Aimé Césaire from Latin America. Dialogues with the poet of blackness (oliva et al., 2010), there is a bridge to other languages, stories, conflicts and men who put their hands and feet in the mud of history; Other ways of conceiving a wider and equally integrated Latin America.

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    Oliva, E. et al. 2011. Aimé Césaire desde América Latina. Diálogos con el poeta de la negritud. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile.

    Oliva, E. et al. 2013. Frantz Fanon desde América Latina. Lecturas contemporáneas de un pensador del siglo XX. Buenos Aires: El Corregidor.

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