?Feminists or not? Think about the possibility of a "decolonial feminism" with James Baldwin and Audre Lorde
¿Feministas o no? Pensar la posibilidad de un «feminismo decolonial» con James Baldwin y Audre Lorde
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Very often, southern feminisms, including Islamic feminisms, understand the feminist movement as an ahistorical, universal and natural phenomenon. It is also seen as an intrinsic sign of progress. The subjugation is such that Muslim feminists, for example, do not hesitate to make historical anachronisms to inscribe feminism in the genesis of Islamic history. All the dignity of Islam is limited, therefore, to the ability of these militants to demonstrate that it is very feminist in the letter and sexist in the reading that the local patriarchate makes of it. A single crack in that rhetorical construction: feminism as a political movement did not exist at the time of revelation. This is no less in their eyes than a measure of modernity and returns to Islam, a religion that preceded feminism, tributary of that time.
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