The social issue and its articulation with social work
La cuestión social y su articulación con el trabajo social
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The social issue is configured as a category in the study of social work. For its understanding and articulation with it, it is necessary to start from the analysis of historical-social events that date back to the 19th century and that motivate not only its origin, but even the very development of the social work profession. The aim is to highlight the conditions in which social work arises and evolves, the socio-historical context in which it became visible, the relationship it establishes with the manifestations of the issue
social, the relationship between it and the bourgeois order. This is necessary if you want to demystify strict link with social service protoforms. Likewise, one of the aspects of the social issue, called by Castel as charity-assistance, is retaken, while it allows us to understand the philanthropic component of care that has been attributed to the profession in its beginnings.
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