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Review. Fans in transit. Violence, memory and identity in a fan of a club inside Gastón Julián Gil

Reseña. Hinchas en tránsito. Violencia, memoria e identidad en una hinchada de un club del interior de Gastón Julián Gil


How to Cite
Castro, J. A. (2015). Review. Fans in transit. Violence, memory and identity in a fan of a club inside Gastón Julián Gil. Tabula Rasa, 23, 347-351.

John Alexander Castro

    Gastón Julián Gil, in fans in transit, presents the result of his ethnographic field work with fans of La 12, followers of the Aldosivi Athletic Club, a team from the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. The author managed to obtain, in the trips he made with the fans, familiarity and trust. In this way, he managed to share his experiences, his values and understand the functioning of the group. Also, he was able to face the different difficulties that are part of the football ritual. In the methodological aspect, one of the challenges, according to Gil, is to explain to his informants-fans, what an anthropologist does, what is the purpose and what is sought with the work. They are interested, because they are romantically involved with their team and expect the researcher to have at least a similar passion. They also exercise vigilance over him, wanting to position his particular point of view.

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    Sociólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Magister en Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Profesor e investigador de tiempo completo en la Universidad Antonio Nariño.

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