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On how Moises Banquett and Orlando Fals Borda talk about ANUC.

De cómo Moisés Banquett y Orlando Fals Borda hablan de la ANUC.


How to Cite
Pernett, V. (2015). On how Moises Banquett and Orlando Fals Borda talk about ANUC. Tabula Rasa, 23, 23-36.

Valentina Pernett

    Between 1967 and 1981, Colombia experienced the development of the largest peasant movement in its own history, was led by the National Asociation of Peasant Users (ANUC). Not only peasants, government officials and party leaders joined the movement, but also intellectuals from the academia as was the case of Professor Orlando Fals Borda. Through Moisés Banquett's memories and Fals Borda's field notes, this article seeks to analyze the different narrative forms chosen by both authors to tell their participation in the peasant movement, and to identify to what extent there are similarities and differences between them. By reading this paper, the reader will find a wealth of experiences and ways of constructing the past, which taken together can give birth to a new understanding of the role of Colombian peasantry in the struggle for land, and that of intellectuals in the social sciences in this process.

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    1. Banquett, M. 1977. Historia de un Campesino Emigrante. Montería: Fundación del Caribe.
    2. Centro de Documentación Regional, Banco de la República, Montería, Córdoba, Colección Orlando Fals Borda [CDRBR/M], 1049, caja 19, carpeta 03, pp. 6125-6162.
    3. Centro de Documentación Regional, Banco de la República, Montería, Córdoba, Colección Orlando Fals Borda [CDRBR/M], 1051, caja 19, carpeta 03, pp. 6168-6266.
    4. Fals Borda, O. 1986. "Destello de la ANUC", en Orlando Fals Borda, Historia doble de la costa. Tomo IV. Retorno a la Tierra. (pp. 169A-193A). Bogotá: Carlos Valencia Editores.
    5. Zamosc, L. 1987. La cuestión agraria y el movimiento campesino en Colombia: Luchas de la Asociación Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC). Ginebra: Instituto de Investigaciones de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Social.
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