Anti-racism and scientific discourses for the masses (1948-1960) : reflections upon “popularization”
Antirracismo y discurso científico para las masas (1948-1960) : reflexiones en torno de la "divulgación"
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By studying historical documents, this article analyzes the relationships between the setting or instance for «popularizing» and «producing» expert knowledge in the case of UNESCO debates on race in the aftermath of World War II. It specifically examines the declarations on race of 1950 and 1951 and a series of articles and documents written around them. This paper is divided into three sections. The first one presents some general aspects of the discussions and the production of expert knowledge on the racial question at UNESCO between 1948-1960, arguing that even though those texts are presented as «popularizing» established knowledge, they often work actively in producing that knowledge. In the third section, we discuss the ways through which certain authority figures are made up through those texts . Finally, some closing remarks are disclosed.
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