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Voices on the web : university students and tweets.

Voces en la red : los estudiantes universitarios y el tuit.


How to Cite
Muñoz Dagua, C., & Andrade Calderón, M. C. (2016). Voices on the web : university students and tweets. Tabula Rasa, 25, 429-443.

Clarena Muñoz Dagua

    Martha Cecilia Andrade Calderón

      Clarena Muñoz Dagua,


      Martha Cecilia Andrade Calderón,


      Texts arisen with information and communication technologies determine how university youth interconnect and interact among themselves, who are urgently calling for defining the practices, purposes, roles and modes of organization imposing themselves with each textual type arising from those contexts. Within the framework of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics, and with the help of Appraisal Theory (Martin, 2000), and particularly the Commitment System (White 2005), and the workings of e-texts’ dialogic ability in tweets are discussed in depth. Making use of concrete examples —the resources most used by youth to exchange academic information—, they explain how reference is made to other authors, how direct and indirect style is used to convey the message and how rumour and the ironic echo appear in the staging on the Web.

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