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Relational ontology and social cartography : towards an emancipating counter-mapping, or a counter-hegemonic delusion?

Ontología relacional y cartografía social : ¿hacia un contra-mapeo emancipador, o ilusión contra-hegemónica?


How to Cite
Oslender, U. (2017). Relational ontology and social cartography : towards an emancipating counter-mapping, or a counter-hegemonic delusion?. Tabula Rasa, 26, 247-262.


Ulrich Oslender,

Ph.D. in Geography, University of Glasgow

Recent debates in assemblage thinking in the social sciences have stressed the notion of “relational ontologies” to conceptualize the complex interactions between humans and non-humans. In this article I examine the role of cartography in the politicization of relational ontologies, and in particular the potential of what has been termed “social cartography” in Colombia, which pretends to be a tool for challenging dominant cartographic representations. At the same time, I will reflect on the limits of this pretension and the ways in which social cartography has been coopted by dominant power.

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