Conceptual tools for an transforming critical anti-racism.
Herramientas conceptuales para un antirracismo crítico-transformador.
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In the face of the novel and renewed forms of racism, anti-racism at large and anti-racist social action in particular are enduring a crisis. The lack of impact and efficacy of actions is due both to methodological and conceptual reasons, which can be understood and explained by the implicit pattern underlying/at its bottom. Anti-racism needs to renew its theoretical and conceptual scaffolding so that it is able to overcome the crisis in which it is immersed. This paper presents several novel conceptual tools that can serveto this purpose, both to understand contemporary racism, face to which the classical anti-racist action happens to be ineffective, and to analyse critically the implicit pattern underlying most of these forms of action. Several coordinates are offered to help develop a critical-transforming anti-racist action.
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