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Animal readings of precarious lives : the “species discourse” and the rules of being human.

Lecturas animales de las vidas precarias : el "discurso de la especie" y las normas de lo humano.


How to Cite
González, A. G. (2019). Animal readings of precarious lives : the “species discourse” and the rules of being human. Tabula Rasa, 31, 139-159.

Anahí Gabriela González

    Anahí Gabriela González,

    Doctoranda en Filosofía en cotutela por la Université Paris VIII y la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan y Becaria Doctoral del Conicet.

    This paper asks whether the so-called ‘animal question’ may be a strategic instance to deconstruct human normative and sacrificial constructs, and to stake ethical-political bets challenging differential hierarchies on life forms. Drawing from Jacques Derrida’s notion of ‘sacrificial structure’, Judith Butler’s precarious lives analysis, and Cary Wolfe’s notion of ‘species discourse’, we argue that the animal question is a crucial point to deconstruct the ‘rules of being human’, defining habitable and inhabitable bodies, and thus defining which lives are to be sacrificed. In this line, we argue that a politics of animality is needed, which contravenes and watches the «human only», disturbing the axes of precarization around gender, class, race, and species, in order to be able to commit to non-hierarchical forms of interspecies communities.

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