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Effect of provenance and storage on coffee quality

Efecto de la procedencia y el almacenamiento en en la calidad del café

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Muñoz, J. C., Riaño Campo, E., & Pinzón, A. J. (2019). Effect of provenance and storage on coffee quality. NOVA, 17(31), 117-128.


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Juan Carlos Muñoz
    Elías Riaño Campo
      Alba Janeth Pinzón

        Background. The quality of the coffee bean has been related to its origin, the agronomic management and the storage conditions. Objective. To determine the activity of the polyphenyl oxidase, the lipid content, the color and the organoleptic characteristics of coffees from 3 experimental substations. Materials and methods. A completely randomized design was followed in a 3x6 factorial arrangement (places of coffee origin and storage time respectively). Results. The activity of polyphenyl oxidase is greater in fresh coffee-for the three provenances. The coffee from Naranjal presented higher enzymatic activities than the coffees from the Supía and the Catalina substations. The analysis of variance showed the effect of provenance on the enzyme activity variable. The activity of the polyphenyl oxidase in the coffees studied decreases with storage time. The lipid content is lower at a lower height in the Catalina. All coffees were characterized as good quality at zero storage time; but the characteristics of aroma, intensity of aroma and body presented ups and downs in the different months of storage. Naranjal coffee,  on average, obtained an acceptable rating throughout the six months of storage. Conclusions. Significant differences were found for the variables studied due to the effect of provenance and storage. The enzymatic activity of the PFO showed activation / inhibition stages, during the six months of storage.

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