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Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de comportamientos relacionados con suicidio en el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003 (ENSM)

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de comportamientos relacionados con suicidio en el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003 (ENSM)

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Posada-Villa, J., Rodríguez, M., Duque, P., & Garzón, A. (2007). Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de comportamientos relacionados con suicidio en el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003 (ENSM). NOVA, 5(7).


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José Posada-Villa
    Marcela Rodríguez
      Patricia Duque
        Alexandra Garzón

          Suicide is an important public health issue in Colombia. Nevertheless, little is known about the prevalence, riskfactors, and the main behaviors related to it. The present article tries to show to the prevalence and suicide risk factors based on the results of the national survey of mental health of Colombia. The evaluated parameters werethe thought, plans, and suicide attempts in a survey of homes, made face to face, with a representative sample atnational level of 4426 adults, which makes part is of the World-wide Survey of Mental Health of the World HealthOrganization. The prevalence of thought, plans, and attempts of suicide is 12,4% (0.7); 4,1% (0.4); and 4,7% (0.4)respectively. The highest risk of both suicide ideation and attempt is in the 18-29 age group. In Colombia, and in theworld, suicide is an issue to care about because it has an important prevalence. In Colombia, suicide preventionefforts are unfortunately necessary to diminish the numbers shown by this study. Therefore, future investigationsmust define the determinants of the behaviors related to suicide.

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