Water quality of a university dental clinic in Bogotá
Calidad del agua de una clínica odontológica universitaria de Bogotá
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Objetives. To determine the microbiological quality of the water used in dental units of a University Clinic in Bogotá, through the microbiological indicators like total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus and Pseudomonas. Methods. Water samples from hand piece and the triple syringe 9 dental units and three samples of tanks for water supply for a total of 21 samples were taken. The microorganism counting was performed by membrane filtration method according to the Standard Methods. Some microorganisms present in different samples were isolated through the BBL CRYSTAL rapid test kit. Results. The water does not comply with the Resolution 2115 2007, which regulates the water suitable for human consumption standards. Important bacteria such as Shigella sp. (producer of dysentery and a fecal pollution indicator organism), Klebsiella and Pseudomonas were isolated. It is suggested to implement corrective or preventive measures to minimize the pollution and improve the quality of the water used in these dental units.
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