Bioremediative Capacity Evaluation in vitro of the filamentous fungi on crude oil
Evaluación in vitro de la capacidad biorremediadora de hongos filamentosos sobre petróleo crudo
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Objective. Evaluate the bioremediation capacity of some species of filamentous fungi in soils contaminated with crude oil. Methods. 138 strains were isolated from 90 primary culture in soil samples obtained in the municipalities of Yondó (Antioquia), Acacías (Meta) and Tumaco (Nariño), species were identified by means of taxonomic keys and PCR amplification of the ITS region located in seven genera of filamentous fungi. Of the total of the species, three were chosen for the experiment, which were: Neosartorya sp. Cepa A/N-1, Aspergillus sp. Cepa Y/As-3 and Rhizomucor sp. Cepa 1A/R-1; Micoremediation was performed with the modified Landfarming technique when designing a microcosm with 50g of soil contaminated with crude oil API 21.6 at concentrations of 20,000 ppm and 30,000ppm for each of the species in an inoculum of 300 conidia / ml in water distilled, adjusted in Neubauer chamber and the three species in consortium in soil contaminated with crude oil API 21.6 at concentrations of 40,000ppm, 60,000ppm, 80,000ppm and 100,000ppm with an inoculum of 300 conidia / ml. The process was evaluated by spectrophotometry. In addition, the enzymes used in the micoremediation and cytotoxicity of the strains used were established. Result. The micoremediation performed by the individual species was on average between 2 and 6 days and when the three species were applied in a consortium it was carried out on average between 6 and 10 days, the enzyme used is peroxidase and the cytotoxicity is negative.
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