Efecto antimicrobiano In vitro de propóleos argentinos, colombianos y cubano sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175
Efecto antimicrobiano In vitro de propóleos argentinos, colombianos y cubano sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175
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It was evaluated the antimicrobial activity of four propolis extracts from Argentina, five from Colombia and onefrom Cuba, using Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175. The samples were kept in a 96% ethylic alcohol solution,remaining a concentration of 3%. The bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity was measured by the minimun inhibitoryconcentration among a range of 0.02 and 15mg/ml. All of the analyzed samples showed activity against StreptococcusMutans when they are used to concentrations 15 a 3.75 mg/ml.
The propolis that presented the highest effect bactericidal was number 2 and 3 (sample from Colombia) after 48hours of incubation. The highest effect bacteriostatic was presented by the sample 2 (propolis from Colombia) after24 hours of incubation. 70% of the propóleo samples increased their activity after a time of incubation of 48 hourscompare to the effect shown to the 24 hours.
All the Colombian samples showed a superior effect, when the bacteria were exposed to the propóleo for alonger period of time; in two of these cases until of five dilutions, samples 2 and 3, this effect was presented in amoderate way, using the argentine samples 6 and 10 while the other samples (30%) remained steady.
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- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22490/24629448.376