Cognitive and ocular characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease
Caracteristicas cognitivas y oculares en enfermedad de Alzheimer
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Alzheimer’s disease / AD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects memory and all cognitive functions with a late or early onset age, and occurs with a very low frequency due to genetic causes due to alteration in the PPA gene.,PS1 or PS2. The largest known etiological element is genetic, with multiple susceptibility factors in interaction with environmental factors. Diagnostic guidelines for AD include psychological, psychiatric and neurological evaluations with brain function, and do not include studies of visual function as part of the diagnostic protocol, with strong evidence of ocular changes in the retina and in some visual functions that appear even without the cognitive deterioration characteristic of this disease. Objective. To describe the cognitive and ocular characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease. Methodology. A documentary review of scientific literature was made in the databases PubMed, Science Direct, Hinari and Ebsco Ebsco, Proquest, among others, with a search period of the last 10 years, through the terms mesh “Alzheimer Disease and ocular changes “,” visual cognitive alteration in Alzheimer “” retina and alzheimer disease “. Results: AD presents a neurodegenerative process with cognitive deterioration, which occurs in all regions of the cerebral cortex, beginning in the cortex of the hippocampus and cerebral tonsil where it progresses to the para-hippocampal gyrus, temporal and frontal lobes. Conclusions. Several studies have shown that AD presents alterations in memory, language, visuospatial orientation, accompanied by structural changes in brain and retina by reducing the thickness of ganglion cells, the layers of nerve fibers and containing inclusion bodies with protein beta amyloid (Aβ) and further demonstrate that the diagnosis of functional alterations due to the accumulation of Aβ is an early marker of AD.
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