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Microbial resistance from one metagenomic perspective

Resistencia microbiana desde una perspectiva metagenómica

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Bejarano, O., Pérez, C., & Mora, S. (2018). Microbial resistance from one metagenomic perspective. NOVA, 16(29), 91-100.


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Ospino Bejarano
    Castilla Pérez
      Sánchez Mora

        Objective. The purpose of this review is to cover the issues related to antibiotic resistance genes, their origins, reservoirs and movements in different habitats through functional metagenomics  that allows to isolate, identify and analyze these genes, as well as the impact they have on health public. During the last years a great advance in the microbiology has been seen, one of the great limitations to which the microbiologists had been facing was not being able to have access to the totality of the microorganisms that inhabit the planet. Thanks to the development of different disciplines such as metagenomics, access to these microorganisms has been achieved. Method. The importance of metagenomics in microbial resistance lies in the fact that currently only 1 % of the microorganisms that inhabit the soil can be studied by conventional microbiology techniques, leaving about 99 % of these without studying, the metagenomics by mitigating this great disadvantage allows the study of the soil microbiota in its entirety generating new knowledge and relevant information in different scientific fields. Results. Through functional metagenomics it has been possible to determine that the soil can be a possible reservoir of determinants of microbial resistance, because the microbiota that live there contain in their genetic material antibiotic resistance genes that confer resistance to a broad spectrum of antibiotics used in human therapy indiscriminately and also have all known mechanisms of resistance, some of these genes are generated by selective pressure against different agents present in their environment and others are constitutive genes that fulfill significant functions in their habitat. The great impact of these findings is that they can represent a possible public health risk if they were acquired by human pathogens.

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