Biofilm formation and water quality in the dental practice
La formación de biopelículas y la calidad del agua en la consulta odontológica
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Objetive. To recover and to analyze the presence of biofilm forming bacteria in the triple syringe and handpiece hoses, which distribute the water to the dental units from La Fundación Universitaria San Martin. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with probabilistic sampling. We studied the bacteria present in the water collected in the triple syringe and the handpiece were selected because they are the instruments through which the water that will come into contact with the patient. Samples were taken before and after the consultation, of the triple syringe with only water, with air water and the handpiece. Cultures were performed by membrane filtration in Endo, Cetrimide and Blood Azida media. Results. We found 84 % positive samples for Gram positive cocci, while there were 8 % of samples, with isolates of Gram negative bacilli, represented in E coli and P aeruginosa. The Gram positive flora was represented by Staphylococcus hominis and Staphylococcus epidermidis
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