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Ferropenic anemia associated with hemoglobinopathies in Afrodescendant communities in Colombia

Anemias ferropénicas asociadas a hemoglobinopatías en comunidades afrodescendientes en Colombia

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Castillo Bohórquez, M., Mora Bautista, A. I., & Oliveros Rozo, A. L. (2018). Ferropenic anemia associated with hemoglobinopathies in Afrodescendant communities in Colombia. NOVA, 16(29), 33-38.


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Martha Castillo Bohórquez
    Ana Isabel Mora Bautista
      Ana Lucia Oliveros Rozo

        Objective. To determine the presence of iron-deficiency anemia associated with haemoglobin disorders in adult people of African descent in the city of Tumaco, Nariño and residents of the town of Engativa, Bogota, Colombia.

        Methodology. The evidence considered in this study included the assessment of automated hemogram, peripheral blood, protein C reactive, ferritin serum, 103 participants, hemoglobin electrophoresis, distributed in 23 subjects in Engativá and 80 in Tumaco. This research study is descriptive; its methodological approach is quantitative and cross-sectional; structured, non-experimental and correlational, whose sample design is stratified, intentionally non-probabilistic.

        Results. The study community of Afro-descendants located in the towns of Tumaco Nariño and Engativa, Bogotá, present anemia in the female population of 28.6 % and in the male population of 16.0 %. It  was observed that the 0.97 % of the population under study,  shows hemoglobin  and low ferritin, iron deficiency anemia-related. With respect to haemoglobin, at 13.6 % show increased hemoglobin A2, with possible association with thalassemia or hemoglobin C 0.98% and 0.98 % hemoglobin S.   and 84.5 % with hemoglobin A, 0.97 % of the population have     low ferritin with hemoglobin A2 increased, showing iron deficiency associated with possible C hemoglobin or thalassemia, and 0.97 % of the population have low ferritin with hemoglobin S. Another important finding is the presence of low levels of ferritin in 17.8 % of the women and the 4.95 % of the men indicating subclinical iron deficiency. The quantitative variables were analyzed using measures of central tendency as the average and described by means of absolute and percentage frequencies.

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