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Detection of dominants antigens to diagnosis of cisticercosis for immunoelectrotransference (EITB)

Detección de antígenos dominantes para el diagnóstico de cisticercosis por inmunoelectrotransferencia (Eitb)

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Pinilla, G., Navarrete, J., Almonacid, C., Bermudez, M., & Villamil, L. C. (2014). Detection of dominants antigens to diagnosis of cisticercosis for immunoelectrotransference (EITB). NOVA, 1(1).


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Gladys Pinilla
    Jeannette Navarrete
      Carmen Almonacid
        Martha Bermudez
          Luis Carlos Villamil

            It is employed lyophilized cyst of Cisticerco cellulosae to prepare antigenic extract of which it is used in the identification of Taenia solliumantigens recognized for IgG antibodies of patients with cisticercosis, for immunoelectrotransfer assay (EITB). It is analyze 193 samples (105 cerebrospinal fluid and 88 sera) from patients with diagnosis of cisticercosis for finding clinic, epidemiologic and inmunienzimatic assay (ELISA). The analysis of the antigenic proteins for electrofiretic, allowed to identify polypeptides of 29, 45, 66, 96 and 116 kDa. The frecuency greates in sera and LCR was 29, 45 and 66 kDa. In conclusion, this immunidominants, will power employ in epidemiologic studies and cisticercosis clinics for Western blot. 

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