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Determinación de Listeria monocytogenes en quesos blancos artesanales expendidos en la plaza de mercado de Cáqueza, Cundinamarca

Determinación de Listeria monocytogenes en quesos blancos artesanales expendidos en la plaza de mercado de Cáqueza, Cundinamarca

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Baquero Acuña, D. M., Bernal González, A. M., & Campuzano, S. (2006). Determinación de Listeria monocytogenes en quesos blancos artesanales expendidos en la plaza de mercado de Cáqueza, Cundinamarca. NOVA, 4(6).


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Deissy Milena Baquero Acuña
    Astrid Marcela Bernal González
      Silvia Campuzano

        Food poisoning is a public health problem, because it can show up in any population being more prevalentin people whose immune system is compromised, pregnant women, and the elderly. According to the obtaineddata, 80% of the positive results for Listeria spp showed Listeria monocytogenes and 20% presented Listeriainnocua. This indicates a prevalence of the pathogenic species for humans, thus augmenting the risk forpeople to suffer from gastrointestinal and/or systemic disease especially in the population mentioned above.In the same way, it was determined that 100% of the cheese showed some microbial contamination. Informationabout the cheese elaboration and storing processes was collected and, in the same way, the manner food washandled in stores was observed.

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