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Aislamiento e identificación de diez cepas bacterianas desnitrificantes a partir de un suelo agrícola contaminado con abonos nitrogenados proveniente de una finca productora de cebolla en la Laguna de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia

Aislamiento e identificación de diez cepas bacterianas desnitrificantes a partir de un suelo agrícola contaminado con abonos nitrogenados proveniente de una finca productora de cebolla en la Laguna de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Ostos Ortiz, O. L., Benavides López de Mesa, J., & Quintero, G. (2006). Aislamiento e identificación de diez cepas bacterianas desnitrificantes a partir de un suelo agrícola contaminado con abonos nitrogenados proveniente de una finca productora de cebolla en la Laguna de Tota, Boyacá, Colombia. NOVA, 4(6).


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Olga Lucia Ostos Ortiz
    Joaquín Benavides López de Mesa
      Gladys Quintero

        This article presents the results of the adaptative versatility and tolerance of a bacterial consortium madeup of 10 bacterial stocks endemic to a contaminated soil coming from an onion farm located near Laguna deTota, Aquitania, Boyacá, Colombia. This soil has been exposed to the uncontrolled use of nitrogen rich fertilizers.The bacterial consortium from the soil is made up of Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis,Pseudomonas stutzeri, Acinetobacter sp, Propionibacterium sp, Peptoestreptococcus sp, coagulasanegative sthaphylococci, Corynebacterium sp, Clostridium sp, and Actinomyces sp. It was demonstratedthat the isolated microorganisms have in vitro denitrifying capabilities, thus transforming nitrates to molecularnitrogen. The isolated bacterial association constitutes a bioremediation alternative to recover the soil that hasbeen contaminated by the excess of nitrogen rich fertilizers.

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