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Efecto de la modulación del receptor nuclear PPAR en la diferenciación de células de preadipocitos de fibroblastos

Efecto de la modulación del receptor nuclear PPAR en la diferenciación de células de preadipocitos de fibroblastos

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Celis, L. G., Vargas Trujillo, D., & Lizcano Losada, F. (2006). Efecto de la modulación del receptor nuclear PPAR en la diferenciación de células de preadipocitos de fibroblastos. NOVA, 4(6).


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Luis Gustavo Celis
    Diana Vargas Trujillo
      Fernando Lizcano Losada

        Adipogenesis from preadypocites of mouse fibroblasts is evaluated by using Roziglitazone and Insulin. Tothat effect, mouse preadipocytes of the cellular line 3T3-L1 are incubated in a differentiation cocktail withRosiglitazone and Insulin. Observations are made between 0 and 10 days with a frequency of two days. Theadipocytes differentiation process was valued through the amount of present triglycerides from the fatty cellsusing qualitative methods by dying and quantitative methods from the extraction of fatty acids with isopropanoland measuring absorbance at 510 nm.

        The results obtained allowed us to confirm the adipogenic from Rosiglitazone and from Insulin, althoughbothshowed differences in their adipogenic ability because Rosiglitazone is a synthetic PPARγ nuclear receptorligand. When activated, it induces the expression of the genes involved in the adipogenesis process whileinsulin acts on the membrane receptor for the growth factor insulin type (IGF-1) which route does not activatethe PPARγ nuclear receptor directly resulting in an adipogenic process slower when compared to Rosiglitazone.These results will allow us to develop new medicines in the future for the treatment of diseases such asobesity and type-2 diabetes.

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