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Trastornos de ansiedad según distribución por edad, género, variaciones por regiones, edad de aparición, uso de servicios, estado civil y funcionamiento/discapacidad según el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental-Colombia

Trastornos de ansiedad según distribución por edad, género, variaciones por regiones, edad de aparición, uso de servicios, estado civil y funcionamiento/discapacidad según el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental-Colombia

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Posada-Villa, J., Buitrago-Bonilla, J., Medina-Barreto, Y., & Rodríguez-Ospina, M. (2006). Trastornos de ansiedad según distribución por edad, género, variaciones por regiones, edad de aparición, uso de servicios, estado civil y funcionamiento/discapacidad según el Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental-Colombia. NOVA, 4(6).


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José Posada-Villa
    Jenny Buitrago-Bonilla
      Yanithza Medina-Barreto
        Marcela Rodríguez-Ospina

          The results presented in this article are part of the world survey of mental health by the WHO. It exploresamong other aspects the distribution by age and sex, variations by regions, age of start, and use of servicesrelated to anxiety disorders in Colombia. The sample design was probabilistic multileveled and stratified appliedto an urban population between 18-65 years of age in 60 representative municipalities of the country, using theComposite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI).

          In Colombia the anxiety disorders are of greater prevalence than other mental disorders. The 19.3% of thepopulation between 18 and 65 years of age reports to have had an anxiety disorder some time in life. Theseare more frequent among women (21.8%). Within the anxiety disorders, the specific phobia is that of greaterlife prevalence with 13.9% in women and 10.9% in men, followed by the social phobia that is similar in bothsexes with a 5% life prevalence. On the other hand the age of start of these disorders fluctuates between 7years for the specific phobia disorder and 28 years for the post traumatic stress disorder.

          Comparing the five regions in which the national territory was divided for the application of the survey, itwas found that the Pacific Region and Bogotá D.C. show the highest prevalence of time any anxiety disorderin life with 22.0% and 21.7% respectively. The Atlantic Region presents the smallest prevalence (14.9%).With respect to the measures on operation/disability, the post-traumatic stress disorder is the one that generatesa greater disability followed in order by anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, andagoraphobia without panic. With relation to anxiety disorders, only 1.9% of the population that suffers it goesto the psychiatrist for treatment; in contrast, 5.6% of these go to the general practitioner. It is significant that3.9% prefer to respond to alternative medicine treatment.

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          16. DOI:
          Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |