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Analysis of Economic and Business Factors Influencing Disruptive Innovation in Telehealth

Análisis de factores económicos y empresariales que influyen la Innovación Disruptiva en Telesalud

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Millan, P. J., Yunda, P. L., & Valencia, A. (2017). Analysis of Economic and Business Factors Influencing Disruptive Innovation in Telehealth. NOVA, 15(28), 125-136.


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PhD. Jorge Millan
    PhD. Leonardo Yunda
      Andrés Valencia

        Objective. Analysis of economic and business factors influencing disruption innovation in healthcare taking as a reference Telehealth systems and technologies. Methods. Analysis of economic and business decision factors that influence the adoption of new technologies are qualitatively analyzed using as a case example Telehealth systems. Results. Main factors for the adoption of new technologies in healthcare are identified and analyzed. Factors include new technology adoption cost, usability, perceived value, competitive systems, old systems competitive cost and performance, and type of users, between others.

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