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Caracterización morfológica y Evaluación clínica de sustitutos óseos de origen porcino de la casa 3Biomat para su aplicación en lesiones óseas bimaxilares

Caracterización morfológica y Evaluación clínica de sustitutos óseos de origen porcino de la casa 3Biomat para su aplicación en lesiones óseas bimaxilares

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How to Cite
Gallón Nausa, J. J., & Castro Haiek, D. E. (2017). Caracterización morfológica y Evaluación clínica de sustitutos óseos de origen porcino de la casa 3Biomat para su aplicación en lesiones óseas bimaxilares. NOVA, 15(27), 11-23.


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Julian Julian Gallón Nausa
    Diego Ernesto Castro Haiek

      Objective. To perform the morphological characterization and clinical evaluation of porcine bone substitutes as a material for the regeneration and reconstruction of affected bone tissue in bimaxillary bone lesions. Method. Morphological characteristics of Biomec Cx and Biomod (implantable medical devices) regeneration materials were analyzed, the first is an acellular membrane of the intestinal submucosa and the second is a particle and demineralized bone substitute, both of porcine origin, by techniques of coloration and microscope with the objective of search the cellularity, organization of collagen fibers and particle sizes. Then a prospective comparative study was conducted with an intentional sample of 31 patients in which a total of 83 implants were made. The surgical procedures were: Post-extraction implant plus bone graft, dental implant- bone graft at the same time and bone graft with a time of 4 months of integration for the placement of dental implants. For the evaluation of the regenerative effect in the different surgical procedure we interpreted clinical and radiographic controls with the behavior of the marginal bone crest. Histological analyzes of biopsies of regenerated bone were also performed. Results. In the morphological characterization it was found that the materials for regeneration are acellular. The matrix formed by the collagen fibers of the substitute Biomec CX presents an organization and interstitial spaces that allow a good cellular migration. The Biomod product showed a density and particle size suitable for the regenerative process. In the clinical evaluation, all the differences (mesial and distal) of the months evaluated in relation to the bone gain, are statistically significant; T-test, p <0.01 and ANOVA. The average increase in 4 months was 0.235mm per mesial (57.3%) and 0.237mm per distal (56.7%). Conclusions. Based on the results obtained both in the morphological characteristics and in the clinical evaluation of the substitutes Biomec CX and Biomod, it was verified that they are suitable materials for use in regenerative processes in which bimaxillary bone lesions are present.

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