Characterization of roasted coffees from the ecotopo E-220A
Caracterizacion de cafés torrefactados, provenientes del ecotopo E-220A
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Background. Ecotopos are environments with well-defined soil, aquifer and environmental conditions, in which grains with quality characteristics are produced that captivate local and international markets. Objective. Physically and chemically correlate raw and roasted coffee beans from 2 zones of Ecotopo E-220A. Materials and methods. The research was carried out in four stages with Colombian varieties of supreme and extra special type, from the department of Nariño of the municipalities of the Union and Buesaco, following an experimental design of random blocks with multivariate analysis, complemented with the technique of main components. Results. The study areas were correlated with the intrinsic characteristics of raw coffee - higher height, intense green color, larger, more uniform grain and higher titratable acidity. And at lower height, higher lipid content. The coffees of zone 2_ greater height_ have lower titratable acidity, lower lipid content, they present the greater loss of these during the roasting and generates roasted cafes of color between medium and light medium. Zone 1 due to its higher content of lipids produces more aromatic coffees. Likewise with the main components methodology it was determined that the loss of weight in roasted coffee, carbohydrates and apparent density explain the first component in 0.846, 0.745, 0.845 respectively and the second component groups the lipid content in 0.801 and The crude protein content at 0.620
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