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Diagnosis and treatment of uveitis by non-ophthalmologist physicians

Diagnóstico y tratamiento inicial de la uveítis por médicos no oftalmólogos

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Toro Arango, O., De la Torre, A., Pachón Suárez, D., Salazar Muñoz, J., & Parra Morales, A. M. (2017). Diagnosis and treatment of uveitis by non-ophthalmologist physicians. NOVA, 15(28), 99-114.


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O Toro Arango
    A De la Torre
      D Pachón Suárez
        J Salazar Muñoz
          A M Parra Morales

            Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe the main diagnostic features and the initial management of uveitis, in order to avoid delays in the treatment and the remission to the ophthalmologist. Methods: A systematic review of the literature, which identified the main signs and symptoms and initial treatment for patients with uveitis, was done. A search of the literature published through 2010-2015 was performed using PubMed database. Four hundred and thirty nine eligible articles underwent a selection process in which titles, abstracts and full texts were reviewed, obtaining thirty final articles. Results: Thirty articles were reviewed, six were observational studies and clinical trials; 24 articles were reviews or case reports. The observational studies and clinical trials were rated with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment (GRADE) tool. After the grading tree of the articles were of high level of evidence. Conclusions: In a patient with ocular pain related to decreased visual acuity, photophobia, red eye without secretion, miosis, keratic precipitates, and vitritis or chorioretinitis the healthcare provider should rule out the diagnosis of uveitis. A non ophthalmologist physician can start the initial management of an anterior uveitis and then refer the patient to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. If the diagnosis is an infectious anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis or posterior uveitis the patient should be derived to the ophthalmologist immediately.

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