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Estudio piloto de aislamiento y fenotipificación de bacterias que participan en los procesos de biolixiviación, en las zonas mineras del Departamento de Boyacá

Estudio piloto de aislamiento y fenotipificación de bacterias que participan en los procesos de biolixiviación, en las zonas mineras del Departamento de Boyacá

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How to Cite
Corrales, L. C., Sánchez, L. C., Sánchez Cortes, P., Sánchez León, A., Sánchez Quintero, V., & Zárate Díaz, J. (2006). Estudio piloto de aislamiento y fenotipificación de bacterias que participan en los procesos de biolixiviación, en las zonas mineras del Departamento de Boyacá. NOVA, 4(5).


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Lucia Constanza Corrales
    Ligia Consuelo Sánchez
      Paula Sánchez Cortes
        Alba Sánchez León
          Viviana Sánchez Quintero
            Julieth Zárate Díaz

              An alternative to diminish the environmental contamination generated by the use of chemical substanceswhen heavy metals in the mining industry as well as the costs in chemical equipments are extracted is to usein this process microorganisms that have demonstrated this activity, denominated bioleaching. For this, isnecessary to identify and to phenotyping these microorganisms. The objective of this project was to isolateand to phenotype obtained bioleaching microorganisms of four emerald mines of the department of Boyac·(Muzo, Coscuez, Chivor and Consorcio). The sampling was made in water and rock, main habitat of the bacteria that participate in the Bioleaching processes. The isolation was made previous preparation of eachone of the samples, which seeded in culture means 9K, liquid and solid, and incubated by seven days to 37∞C.showing physical changes in the color intensity and the aspect in culture means, which allows to be conceitedthat it has happened some action of the leaching bacteria on compounds of means. The microscopic observationdemonstrated the presence of gram negative bacilli and crystals. On the other hand, the characteristic ofbeing was confirmed acidophilic bacteria since its development was obtained to pH between 1 and 2,5. Theresults obtained in this study allowed to conclude that in these mines there is presence of bacterial organismswith morphology and compatible biochemical behavior with biolixiviantes bacteria of the Thiobacillus sort.The obtained isolation and fenotipificaciÛn in vitro open the possibility of establishing an optimal method for itsconservation and later use in bioremediation processes.

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              Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |