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Detection of chlamydia trachomatis in men that have sex with men in Bogotá: a pilot study

Detección de Chlamydia trachomatis en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres en Bogotá: un estudio piloto

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Rodríguez Rojas, F. A., Barreto Ordoñez, P. S., & Sánchez Mora, R. M. (2016). Detection of chlamydia trachomatis in men that have sex with men in Bogotá: a pilot study. NOVA, 14(26), 17-27.


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Fredy Alberto Rodríguez Rojas
    Paula Steffany Barreto Ordoñez
      Ruth Mélida Sánchez Mora

        Objective. optimize a PCR technique to evaluate the presence of C. trachomatis in anorectal swabs from MSM. In Colombia there are reported each year more than 70,000 new cases of STIs, of which it is estimated that approximately 9.3% is urethritis among which are those caused by C. trachomatis. Methods. DNA extraction is one of the problems in the method of detecting C. trachomatis by PCR anorectal swab samples. Besides, the use of automated equipment arranged on the market is expensive and in many cases the samples are not available in the clinical laboratory routine. In this study it was performed PCR for detection of C. trachomatis protocol establishing the sampling and DNA extraction from anorectal swabs. Results. 27 samples were  processed corresponding HSH volunteers belonging to the Support group and study of Sexual Diversity (GAEDS) of the National University of Colombia. 5 samples positive for C. trachomatis associated with both symptomatic and asymptomatic men at high risk of acquiring infection because of their sexual practices were found.

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