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In-house standardization and validation of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of 13 respiratory viruses

In-house standardization and validation of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of 13 respiratory viruses

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Vargas, H., Diaz, Ángela, Celis, Y., Díaz, L., Gómez, S., Sánchez, J., Golijow, C., & Arce, P. (2016). In-house standardization and validation of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of 13 respiratory viruses. NOVA, 14(26), 9-18.


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Hernán Vargas
    Ángela Diaz
      Yamile Celis
        Liliana Díaz
          Sandra Gómez
            Jenny Sánchez
              Carlos Golijow
                Patricia Arce

                  Background.  Multiplex real time PCR is increasingly used to diagnose respiratory viruses and has shown to be superior to traditional methods, such as culture and antigen detection. Objective. Standardization and validation of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for the detection of 13 respiratory viruses. Methods. The assay was validated using RNA control targets and comparing results to single-target PCR’s. Results. Using RNA controls the multiplex format was found to be as sensitive and specific as the single-target PCRs, and no competition was observed between targets.  The efficiencies for most of the reactions were approximately 90%, but a lower efficiency was found for Parainfluenza 2 with a rate of amplification in each cycle of 86.63%. On the other hand, a higher efficiency was observed in respiratory syncytial virus A and respiratory syncytial virus B ((93.07% each).  Conclusion: This multiplex RT-PCR format shows an adequate efficiency, demonstrating an excellent sensitivity, specificity and repeatability for all the studied respiratory viruses. 

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