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Caracterización de la flora microbiana y revisión del estado de salud en individuos que laboran en laboratorios de diagnostico.

Caracterización de la flora microbiana y revisión del estado de salud en individuos que laboran en laboratorios de diagnostico.

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How to Cite
Campuzano, S., Álvarez de Weldefort, A., & Camacho, J. (2005). Caracterización de la flora microbiana y revisión del estado de salud en individuos que laboran en laboratorios de diagnostico. NOVA, 3(4).


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Silvia Campuzano
    Alicia Álvarez de Weldefort
      Judith Camacho

        There are based evidences very well that indicate the validity of the monitoring programs epidemiologist inthe prevention and control of the biological risk to avoid the contamination in health atmospheres. Because theworkers of the health, are one of the reservorios of the infectious diseases, the C.D.C. and other programs recommend, monitoring, immunization and adoption of, measured of biosegurity and control programs forcertain transmissible diseases that they occur in atmospheres where handle health material. One of theobjectives of these programs is to protect to those who toil with biological product, against the generated factors of risk, and to fulfill it epidemiologist of individual sayings is due to initiate with the registry of datarelated to the profile, who allows to design the pertinent strategies for the control of the situation. Therefore,the present study, takes advantage of the investigation to know and to compare the profile epidemiologist ofthe bacteriology students, in permanent contact with biological risk, in front of moved away students of socialwork of this risk. Made the diagnosis of microbiota of these two populations, it was possible to be concludedthat there is a significant difference between the percentage of individuals affected by faringitis and parasitism,with greater incidence in the students of the area of the health; also it was verified that there are microorganisms that are presents in any group.

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        Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |