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Disease Pompe: report of case

Enfermedad de Pompe: reporte de caso

Reporte de Caso

How to Cite
Arias, S., Gómez, M., Fernández, I., & Celis, L. G. (2017). Disease Pompe: report of case. NOVA, 14(25), 113-120.


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Sara Arias
    Mariana Gómez
      Isabel Fernández
        Luis Gustavo Celis

          Objective. It is a case of a seven months male patient, evaluated by cardiology fifteen days after he was born secondary, to sudden cardiac death of his sister of four months, nothing suspicious despite consanguinity of parents and early diagnosis of the patient with Cardiomyopathy. Evolved with the following clinical conditions recurrent respiratory infections from three months (recurrent bronchiolitis), widespread malnutrition and recent pneumonia. Died eight days after the consultation with the geneticist. Methods. The initial approach was to perform echocardiogram at fifteen days old, because of history of the sudden death of his sister of four months, cardiomegaly and parental consanguinity. Clinical deterioration continues through months so he is referred to genetic, enzymatic tests, taken in dried blood, the patient dies before receiving the diagnosis of Pompe disease. Results. The patient was focused with a possible diagnosis of Pompe Disease so lysosomal enzyme α -glucosidase (GAA) sample was requested in dried blood and genetic sequencing final report to define diagnosis.

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