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Determination of IgG in women infected with chlamydia trachomatis and reactive- arthritis from bogota, colombia: a pilot study

Determinación de IgG contra Chlamidya trachomatis en mujeres con artritis de la Ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Un estudio piloto

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Mantilla, A., Martínez, J., Ramírez, M. S., Olave, L. F., Jutinico Shubach, A. P., Gómez, M. C., & Sánchez Mora, R. M. (2017). Determination of IgG in women infected with chlamydia trachomatis and reactive- arthritis from bogota, colombia: a pilot study. NOVA, 14(25), 27-34.


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Alejandra Mantilla
    Jhonathan Martínez
      Mateo Santiago Ramírez
        Luis Felipe Olave
          Adriana Paola Jutinico Shubach
            María C. Gómez
              Ruth Mélida Sánchez Mora

                Objective. Evaluate the presence of IgG in women infected with C. trachomatis, and diagnosed with arthritis, aged 18-30 years, in Bogota, Colombia. Methods. This project is composed of two study groups: Firstly, female cases diagnosed with rheumatoid reactive-arthritis and secondly, a control group. Quantitative determination of IgG in serum samples from patients with C. trachomatis. Were determined also, PCR determination (C reactive protein) and RF (rheumatoid factor) were performed. The statistical analysis included the comparison of means, using Mann Whitney and unpaired t test. Results. Patient samples that were positive by PCR: 36.6% for the female case group, and 14.5% for the control group. In the qualitative determination of RF positives, results were: 48.8% for the case group and 5.3% for the control group. Finally, the percentages of positive results for IgG antibodies determination against C. trachomatis were: 2.4% for the case group and 22.4% for the control group. PCR and FR variables showed higher frequency of positive results in the female case group compared with the control group, which correlates with the presence of inflammatory processes, where it is typical in the development of arthritis. However, the control group had increased frequency of specific IgG antibodies against C. trachomatis, when it is compared with the case female group. These results need to be evaluated in the future, where, the control group that tested positive for IgG against C. Trachomatis, would allow to observe the possible apparition of symptoms related to arthritis.


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