Coral Collection Metadata (Scleractinia) from the Museo de Historia Natural Lorenzo Uribe S.J.
Metadato de la Colección Biológica de Corales (Escleractinia) del Museo Javeriano de Historia Natural Lorenzo Uribe S.J.
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The necessity to notify scientist about the biological collections is a daily need, particularly when there are fewof them in a country for a particular taxa, or when it ís difficult the access to them. Although the collection databases compile information in systematic form, they are not design to divulgate the information in a universal language. To solve this problem, tools such as the metadata were created, data over data, they use the collection data base to summary the information contained, their quality; where they were collected, and state; allowing information access in a universal language. The steps we followed to generate the metadata from the coral collection referenced to the Museo de Historia Natural Lorenzo Uribe S.J. (MUJ) were: revision, digitations,organization, depuration, and standardization at taxonomic and geographic level for each biological specimen,using an international standard. The metadata allow us to know the Scleractinian genera list (MUJ), and tocondense information on: 1. author and Scleractinian list citations; 2. Geographic sampling cover; 3. Conditionsto access and use; and 4. temporal information and hipervinculum; within other aspects. In the same way, weapplied the biological index of metadata documentation (76.6%) to quantify inter-operability with other metadataand it divulgation. Coral MUJ metadata is effective because it facilitate search of coral information in Colombia,in an efficient, specific, and complete way, this is because there are only two collections referenced. In additionit will allow us to show our biodiversity and to compare and interchange the information internationally.
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