Evaluación de la congelación para conservación de especies autóctonas bacterianas
Evaluación de la congelación para conservación de especies autóctonas bacterianas
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The bacterial microorganisms constitute a good part of the biodiversity of our planet and the importance of its knowledge and preservation has been increased as their multiple utilities in different fields are discovered.The conservation can be done by different methods and one of which offers better results is the freezing; forthat reason east project was made whose objective was to evaluate the effects of the freezing in 18 native bacterial species of the collection of cultures of the Program of Bacteriology of the University Colegio Mayorde Cundinamarca, Bogot·- Colombia. The microorganisms including in the study, they were selected consideringthe variability of metabolic activity between species and their clinical importance, industrialist, biotechnological or environmental. The obtained results were similar in the analyzed species and although some had difficulty to recover their viability and metabolic activity in the first sowing, later they presented displayed one betteranswer, what allowed to conclude that the phenotypic and genotypic stability does not seem to depend on means of culture nor on the used preservation substance, but of the procedures of freezing and defrost with which the experiment was made. The recommendation of the investigating group is to establish ownstandardizations and protocols that guarantee the viability and biochemical stability of the microorganisms thatare conserved by this method.
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- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22490/24629448.333