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Ophidic accident in the department of Sucre, Colombia

Accidente ofídico en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Márquez Gómez, M. A., & Gómez Díaz, G. M. (2015). Ophidic accident in the department of Sucre, Colombia. NOVA, 13(24), 39-46.


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Marco Antonio Márquez Gómez
    Graciela María Gómez Díaz

      Objective. Describing the behavior of the ophidic accident in the department of Sucre. Methods. In a descriptive, retrospective study from 2007 to 2012, 803 reports of snakebites were reported to the epidemiology surveillance system of the department of Sucre. The information was supplied by the direction of public health of the Ministry of health of the Department of Sucre. Results. In 48.2% of cases, the genus B othrops was identified as the offending agent and in 83.9% of cases, the bite was found in the patient’s limbs. In 356 cases or 44% of patients were not hospitalized or the information of this record was not found. In the treatment of hospitalized cases between 4.3 ± 4.5 shots were used per patient; This data is consistent with the protocol for registered mild cases (n = 450), but on reviewing individual cases, it was found that 228 patients received only 1 to 3 ampoules. In 84 cases only one shot was administered.

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