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Comparison of the viability and growth in stem cell culture obtained from adipose tissue (ADAS) pre and post freeze

Comparación de la viabilidad y crecimiento en cultivo de células madre adultas obtenidas de tejido adiposo pre y post congelamiento

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Ávila Portillo, L. M., Franco Ruiz, D. J., Avila García, J. P., Riveros Arocha, A. G., & Sabogal, M. (2015). Comparison of the viability and growth in stem cell culture obtained from adipose tissue (ADAS) pre and post freeze. NOVA, 13(24), 27-38.


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Luz Mabel Ávila Portillo
    Derly Johanna Franco Ruiz
      Jenniffer Priscila Avila García
        Angela Giselle Riveros Arocha
          Mauricio Sabogal

            Objective. Comparing viability, growth in culture, phenotype and osteogenic lineage differentiation of Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cells (ADAS) pre and post freezing. Method. Samples were obtained from adipose tissue of healthy individuals who underwent liposuction, with later enzymatic digestion with collagenase I. The stromal vascular fraction (SVF) obtained was divided equally into two fractions one of which was cryopreserved and stored at -196 °C and the other one cultivated to passage 1 (P1) before being cryopreserved. Both fractions were cryopreserved in an automated freezing chamber using two freezing solutions: (A) DMSO/Dextran40/HSA and (B) DMSO/HESSICO/HSA kept, both were kept 3 months at -196°C and thawed in PBS/HSA/HESSICO. After thawing, both were subjected to cultivation, recount, cell viability, phenotyping and osteogenic potential. Results. Cells that were frozen with cryoprotectant solution DMSO/ Dextran40/HSA and a pre-freezing culture exhibited higher viability percentages and reached 80% culture confluence in less time. Expanded samples showed no differences in the phenotype by flow cytometry and showed differentiation to osteogenic lineage.

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