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Evaluation of risk perception occupational in workers of a company of construction in Bogotá D.C.

Evaluación de la percepción del riesgo ocupacional en trabajadores de una empresa del sector de la construcción en Bogotá D.C.

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

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González, Y. L. (2015). Evaluation of risk perception occupational in workers of a company of construction in Bogotá D.C. NOVA, 13(23).


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Yuri Lilian González

    Objective. Assessing risk perception among employees of a company in the construction sector in Bogota DC from the psychometric paradigm Materials and methods. Two questionnaires were applied, which helped identify the activities that workers considered as more dangerous, the magnitude of risk and the attributes that underlie perception. Results. The findings indicate that workers may be considering more often attributes of immediacy of consequences to determine the severity of the damage that the degree of fear or rejection by those activities which are considered as more harmful to health and wellness. In the same way became clear that a magnitude of high risk is perceived preferably in newfangled activities for workers and found that although the magnitude of the risk is high, perceived control over risks and knowledge of them that allows them to take risk without fear of causing damage to your health.

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